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    The Pyrenees

    The Cirque de Toumousse :

    East of Pic du Marboré is the twin brother of the Gavarnie circus: the "Cirque deTroumousse". This 4km diameter circus stands at around 2,200 meters above sea level. Among the peaks which surround it, the peak of Munia is the highest with an altitude of 3.133 meters.
    For my part, I find the "Cirque de Troumouse" more wild. No doubt this is due to its lower tourist frequentation, this one being less famous!

    The Roland's breach :

    The "Cirque de Gavarnie" closes the upper valley of the Gave de Pau. In the middle of the circus is the large waterfall with a height of over 400 meters. The Cirque de Gavarnie has several heights, on the highest part, we find the Roland's breach. This huge natural fault, 40 m wide and 100 m high, opens into the cliffs above the Cirque de Gavarnie.
    According to legend, this breach was made by Roland (nephew of Charlemagne) who broke his sword “Durandal” there. Located at an altitude of 2,804 m, this fault is located on the border between France and Spain.

    The Aspe Valley :

    This valley has kept a fairly wild character. This is one of the last regions of the Pyrenees where there are still bears. The upper Aspe valley is home to part of the Pyrenees National Park.
    Some of the photos in this gallery were taken in the Lescun circus, which is dotted with magnificent peaks:

    • Aiguilles d’Ansabère - altitude : 2 377 m
    • Peak d'Anie - altitude : 2 507 m
    • Table des trois rois - altitude : 2 428 m